Savoury cheese crumble


400g of butternut squash, cut, seeded and diced

4 cloves of garlic

handful of basil leaves

250ml double cream

1057 Scottish cheddar

175g self raising flour

100g butter, chilled and cubed


Preheat your oven to 190 degrees (170 degrees with fan)

Place your butternut in a frying pan with a splash of water. Once the water is evaporated, add in a teaspoon of butter and allow to cook on a low heat until the edges start to caramelise.

Peel and dice your garlic cloves and add them into the butternut and butter. Cook slowly.

For the crumble, place the flour in a bowl and rub in the butter using your fingertips until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Take a handful of the crumble mix along with the basil (you can adjust this to your taste) place in a blender and blitz until the basil is finely mixed into the crumble mixture.

Mix in the basil crumble with the remaining plain crumble mix and set aside.

Grate a whole block of 1057 Scottish cheddar.

Once your butternut and garlic is cooked add in your cream and half the grated cheese. Stir.

Pour this mixture into an ovenproof dish and then top with the crumble mix and the remaining grated cheese.

Place in an oven for around 30 minutes, until golden brown and bubbling.

Serve with greens like broccoli, asparagus and green beans.


Cheese shortbread biscuits


Cheese & onion soup